Power Familiarization Flying – 1 December 2019

Location:Rockcliffe Flying Club


Timings are as per sign up spots available at the link at the bottom of the post.

This activity involves taking cadets for a 30-minute flight over the city of Ottawa in a Cessna 172 aircraft. There is no cost, and cadets are to attend in appropriate civilian attire. Cameras/cell phone cameras are highly encouraged! (Parents are not eligible to go flying.)

As SignUpGenius administrators for this activity, only adult staff will see the information you provide. Confirmed flight times and more information will be sent by email after the deadline, or prior should the poll be filled with the maximum participants.

Cadets who have participated in this activity within the last 12-18 months, are not eligible at this time. Should this activity be cancelled, there will be other dates for power familiarization flying throughout the training year.

sign up:
